Scott Carpenter

Full Name: Malcolm Scott Carpenter
Birthdate: May 1, 1925 - Boulder, Colorado
Death: October 10, 2013 - Denver, Colorado
Education: Bachelor of Science in aeronautical engineering - University of Colorado at Boulder
Military Service: Commander, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 1 (1959)

Mercury-Atlas 7
Aurora 7
May 24, 1962

In 1965, Scott Carpenter spent 28 days living on the ocean floor as part of the
U.S. Navy's SEALAB 2 project.

Scott Carpenter suits up in preperation for the
Mercury-Atlas 7 mission
Scott Carpenter climbs into the Aurora 7 spacecraft
prior to the launch of the Mercury-Atlas 7 mission
Scott Carpenter and his family meet President John F. Kennedy
in the Oval Office at the White House

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