Pete Conrad

Full Name: Charles "Pete" Conrad, Jr.
Birthdate: June 2, 1930 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Death: July 8, 1999 - Ojai, California
Education: Bachelor of Science in aeronautical engineering - Princeton University
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 2 (1962)

Gemini V Gemini XI Apollo 12 Skylab 2
- - CSM Yankee Clipper
LM Intrepid
August 21-29, 1965 September 12-15, 1966 November 14-24, 1969 May 25-June 22, 1973

Pete Conrad's personal motto was
"When you can't be good, be colorful."

Pete Conrad descends down the ladder of the LM Intrpid
during the Apollo 12 mission
Pete Conrad stands next to the Surveyor 3 spacecraft
during the Apollo 12 mission
Peter Conrad undergoes a dental exam from Joe Kerwin
during the Skylan 2 mission

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