Ken Mattingly

Full Name: Thomas Kenneth Mattingly II
Birthdate: March 17, 1936 - Chicago, Illinois
Death: October 31, 2023 - Arlington, Virginia
Education: Bachelor of Science in aeronautical engineering - Auburn University
Military Service: Rear Admiral, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 5 (1966)

Apollo 16 STS-4 STS-51 C
CSM Charlie Brown
LM Snoopy
Columbia Discovery
April 16-27, 1972 June 27-July 4, 1982 January 24-27, 1985

Ken Mattingly was on the prime crew of Apollo 13, by was replaced by Jack Swiger three days
before launch after being exposed to the German measles.

Ken Mattingly conducts a "deep space" EVA during the Apollo 16 mission Ken Mattingly prepares a meal during the STS-4 mission Ken Mattingly salutes President Ronald Reagan at the conclusion
of the STS-4 mission

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