Joseph Kerwin

Full Name: Joseph Peter Kerwin
Birthdate: February 19, 1932 - Oak Park, Illinois
Death: March 26, 2024 - Paris, Texas
Education: Doctor of Medicine - Northwestern University
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 4 (1965)

Skylab 2
May 25-June 22, 1973

From 1982 to 1983, Joseph Kerwin was NASA's senior science representative in Australia, and served as the liason between
NASA's Office of Space Tracking and Data Systems and Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.

Joseph Kerwin demonstrates the effects of weightlessness on water
during the Skylab 2 mission
Joseph Kerwin conducts an EVA during the Skylab 2 mission Joseph Kerwin in his sleeping berth on the Skylab space station

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