John Young

Full Name: John Watts Young
Birthdate: September 24, 1930 - San Francisco, California
Death: January 5, 2018 - Houston, Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science in aeronautical engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 2 (1962)

Gemini 3 Gemini X Apollo 10 Apollo 16 STS-1 STS-9
- - CSM Charlie Brown
LM Snoopy
CSM Casper
LM Orion
Columbia Columbia
March 23, 1965 July 18-21, 1966 May 18-26, 1969 April 16-27, 1972 April 12-14, 1981 November 28-December 8, 1983

John Young is the only astronaut to have piloted four different spacecraft
(Gemini; the Apollo CSM; the Apollo LM; and the Space Shuttle)

John Young in the Gemini spacecraft prior to the launch
of the Gemini 3 mission
John Young jumps and salutes the United States flag on the lunar surface
during the Apollo 16 mission
John Young in the space shuttle Columbia during the STS-1 mission

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