Jack Lousma

Full Name: Jack Robert Lousma
Birthdate: February 29, 1936 - Grand Rapids, Michigan
Education: Bachelor of Science in aeronautical engineering - University of Michigan
Master of Science in aeronautical engineering - United States Navy Postgraduate School
Military Service: Colonel, United States Marine Corps
Selection: NASA Group 5 (1966)

Skylab 3 STS-3
- Columbia
July 28-September 25, 1973 March 22-30, 1982

Jack Lousma was a candidate to represent Michigan in the United States Senate,
but lost the election to incumbant Carl Levin.

Jack Lousma conducts an EVA during the Skylab 3 mission Jack Lousma conducts an experiment during the STS-3 mission Jack Lousma on the middeck of Columbia during the STS-3 mission

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