Gordon Cooper

Full Name: Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.
Birthdate: March 6, 1927 - Shawnee, Oklahoma
Death: October 4, 2004 - Ventura, California
Education: Bachelor of Science in aerospace engineering - Air University
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 1 (1959)

Mercury-Atlas 9 Gemini V
Faith 7 -
May 15-16, 1963 August 21-29, 1965

From 1973 to 1975, Gordon Cooper was employed by the Walt Disney Company as the
Vice-President of Research and Development for EPCOT

Gordon Cooper climbs into the Faith 7spacecraft
prior to the Mercury-Atlas 9 mission
Gordon Cooper is removed from the Faith 7 spacecraft
following the Mercury-Atlas 9 mission
Gordon Cooper suits up in preparation for the Gemini V mission

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