Gerald Carr

Full Name: Gerald Paul "Jerry" Carr
Birthdate: August 22, 1932 - Denver, Colorado
Death: August 26, 2020 - Albany, New York
Education: Bachelor of Engineering in mechanical engineering - University of Southern California
Bachelor of Science in aeronautical engineering - United States Navy Postgraduate School
Master of Science in aeronautical engineering - Princeton University
Military Service: Colonel, United States Marine Corps
Selection: NASA Group 5 (1966)

Skylab 4
November 16, 1973 - February 8, 1974

Gerald Carr served as a director of the Houston Pops Orchestra

Gerald Carr floats inside the Skylab space station
during the Skylan 4 mission
Gerald Carr conducts an EVA during the Skylab 4 mission Gerald Carr tests a prototype of the MMU inside the Skylab space station
during the Skylab 4 mission

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