Gene Kranz

Full Name: Eugene Francis Kranz
Birthdate: August 17, 1933 - Toledo, Ohio
Education: Bachelor of Science in engineering - Saint Louis University, Parks College of Engineering, Aviation, and Technology
Military Service: Captain, United States Air Force Reserve

Assistant Director
NASA Mission Control
Lead Fight Director
NASA Mission Control
Deputy Director
NASA Mission Operations
NASA Mission Operations
1962-1965 1965-1974 1974-1983 1983-1994

During his time in the U.S. Air Force, Gene Kranz flew F-86 Sabres on patrol missions
along the DMZ in Korea.

Gene Kranz at his console in Mission Control Gene Kranz at work in Mission Control for the launch
of the Apollo 16 mission
Gene Kranz consultes his collegues in Mission Control
during the Apollo 17 mission

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