Gene Cernan

Full Name: Eugene Andrew Cernan
Birthdate: March 14, 1934 - Chicago, Illinois
Death: January 16, 2017 - Houston, Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering - Purdue University
Master of Science in aeronautical engineering - United States Navy Postgraduate School
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 3 (1963)

Gemini IX-A Apollo 10 Apollo 17
- CSM Charlie Brown
LM Snoopy
CSM America
LM Challenger
June 3-6, 1966 May 18-26, 1969 December 7-19, 1972

Gene Cernan was the last person to walk on the Moon (for now)

Gene Cernan during the Gemini IX-A mission Gene Cernan standing on the lunar surface during the
Apollo 17 mission
Gene Cernan salutes the United States flag on the lunar surface
during the Apollo 17 mission

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