Frank Borman

Full Name: Frank Frederick Borman II
Birthdate: March 14, 1928 - Gary, Indiana
Death: November 7, 2023 - Billings, Montana
Education: Bachelor of Science in aeronautical engineering - United States Military Academy
Master of Science in aeronautical engineering - California Institute of Technology
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 2 (1962)

Gemini VII Apollo 8
December 4-18, 1965 December 21-27, 1968

After retiring from NASA and the Air Force, Frank Borman became an executive with Eastern Air Lines

Frank Borman inspects the Gemini VII spacecraft Frank Borman suiting up in preperation for the launch
of the Apollo 8 mission
Frank Brorman addresses the crew of the U.S.S. Yorktown
following the Apollo 8 mission

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