David Scott

Full Name: David Randolph Scott
Birthdate: June 6, 1932 - San Antonio, Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science in military science - United States Military Academy
Master of Science in aeronautics and astronautics - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Engineer in aeronautics/astronautics - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 3 (1963)

Gemini VIII Apollo 9 Apollo 15
- CSM Gumdrop
LM Spider
CSM Endeavour
LM Falcon
March 16-17, 1966 March 3-13, 1969 July 26-August 7, 1971

In 1973, David Scott became the Deputy Director of the Dryden Flight Research Center
at Edwards Air Force Base, California.

David Scott inside the Gemini spacecraft prior to the launch
of the Gemini XIII mission
David Scott conducts a "stand-up" EVA during the Apollo 9 mission David Scott salutes the United States flag on the lunar surface
during the Apollo 15 mission

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