Buzz Aldrin

Full Name: Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr.
Birthdate: January 20, 1930 - Glen Ridge, New Jersey
Education: Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering - United States Military Academy
Master of Science in aeronautical engineering - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Doctor of Science in astronautics - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Military Service: Brigadier General, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 3 (1963)

Gemini XII Apollo 11
- CSM Columbia
LM Eagle
November 11-15, 1966 July 16-24, 1969

Buzz Aldrin flew 66 combat missions during the Korean War in F-86 Sabres.  He was credited with shooting down two enemy MiG-15 fighter jets.

Buzz Aldrin conducts an EVA during the
Gemini XII mission
Buzz Aldrin stands on the lunar surface
during the Apollo 11 mission
Buzz Aldrin salutes the United States flag on the
lunar surface during the Apollo 11 mission

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