Shannon Walker

Full Name: Shannon Walker
Birthdate: June 4, 1965 - Houston, Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science in physics - Rice University
Master of Science in physics - Rice University
Ph.D. in physics - Rice University
Selection: NASA Group 19 (2004)

Soyuz TMA-19 Expedition 24 Expedition 25 SpaceX Crew-1 Expedition 64 Expedition 65
- - - Resilience - -
June 15-November 26, 2010 June 2-September 25, 2010 September 25-November 26, 2010 November 16, 2020-May 2, 2021 October 21, 2020-April 17, 2021 April 17-October 17, 2021

Shannon Walker was commander of the International Space Station for 11 days during the transistion between Expeditions 64 and 65.
This was the shortest period of command ever for the ISS.

Shannon Walker during the Expedition 24 mission Shannon Walker during the Expedition 64 mission Shannon Walker after the landing and recovery of SpaceX Crew-1

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