Donald Thomas

Full Name: Donald Alan Thomas
Birthdate: May 6, 1955 - Cleveland, Ohio
Education: Bachelor of Science in physics - Case Western Reserve University
Master of Science in materials science - Cornell University
Ph.D. in materials science - Cornell University
Selection: NASA Group 13 (1990)

STS-65 STS-70 STS-83 STS-94
Columbia Discovery Columbia Columbia
July 8-23, 1994 July 13-22, 1995 April 4-8, 1997 July 1-17, 1997

In July 2014, Donald Thomas was featured in the comic strip Brewster Rockit as a celebrity visitor to the spaceship R.U. Sirius.

Donald Thomas during the STS-65 mission Donald Thomas during the STS-70 mission Donald Thomas during the STS-94 mission

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