Steven Smith

Full Name: Steven Lee Smith
Birthdate: December 30, 1958 - Phoenix, Arizona
Education: Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering - Stanford University
Master of Science in electrical engineering - Stanford University
Masters in Business Administration - Stanford University
Selection: NASA Group 14 (1992)

STS-68 STS-82 STS-103 STS-110
Endeavour Discovery Discovery Atlantis
September 30-October 11, 1994 February 11-21, 1997 December 20-28, 1999 April 8-19, 2002

Steven Smith was a seven-time high school and collegiate All-American in swimming and water polo.

Steven Smith conducts an EVA during the STS-87 mission Steven Smith during the STS-103 mission Steven Smith conducts and EVA during the STS-103 mission

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