Piers Sellers

Full Name: Piers John Sellers
Birthdate: April 11, 1955 - Crowborough, England
Death: December 23, 2016 - Houston, Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science in ecological science - University of Edinburgh
Ph.D. in biometeorology - University of Leeds
Selection: NASA Group 16 (1996)

STS-112 STS-121 STS-132
Atlantis Discovery Atlantis
October 7-18, 2002 July 4-17, 2006 May 14-26, 2010

Piers Sellers began his carrer with NASA as a research meteorologist at the Goddard Spaceflight Center in Maryland.

Piers Sellers conducts an EVA during the STS-112 mission Piers Sellers conducts an EVA during the STS-121 mission Piers Sellers during training for the STS-132 mission

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