Thomas Reiter

Full Name: Thomas Arthur Reiter
Birthdate: May 23, 1958 - Frankfurt, West Germany
Education: Bundeswehr University, Munich
Military Service: Brigadier General, Luftwaffe (German Air Force)
Selection: European Space Agency (1992)

Soyuz TM-22 Mir EO-20 STS-121 Expedition 13 Expedition 14 STS-116
- - Discovery - - Discovery
September 3, 1995-February 29, 1996 September 3, 1995-February 29, 1996 July 4-17, 2006 April 1-September 28, 2006 September 28-April 21, 2007 December 10-22, 2006

Thomas Reiter became the first German to perform an EVA.

Thomas Reiter during the Expedition 13 mission Thomas Reiter conducts an EVA during the Expedition 13 mission Thomas Reiter in the Zvezda module on the International Space Station

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