William Readdy

Full Name: William Francis Readdy
Birthdate: January 24, 1952 - Quonset Point, Rhode Island
Education: Bachelor of Science in aerospace engineering - United States Naval Academy
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 12 (1987)

STS-42 STS-51 STS-79
Discovery Discovery Atlantis
January 22-30, 1992 September 12-22, 1993 September 16-26, 1996

Prior to becoming an astronaut, William Readdy worked for NASA as the program manager of the Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft.

William Readdy during the STS-51 mission William Readdy during the STS-79 misison William Readdy and Valeri Korzun in the docking module
of the Mir space station

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