John Phillips

Full Name: John Lynch Phillips
Birthdate: April 15, 1951 - Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Education: Bachelor of Science in mathematics and Russian - United States Naval Academy
Mission Specialist in aeronautical systems - University of West Florida
Master of Science in physics - University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D. in physics - University of California, Los Angeles
Military Service: Captain, United States Naval Reserve
Selection: NASA Group 16 (1996)

STS-100 Soyuz TMA-6 Expedition 11 STS-119
Endeavour - - Discovery
April 19-May 1, 2001 April 15-October 11, 2005 April 17-October 10, 2005 March 15-28, 2009

John Phillips has authored 156 scientific papers dealing with the plasma environments of the Sun, Earth, planets, comets, and spacecraft.

John Phillips during the STS-100 mission John Phillips conducts an EVA during the Expedition 11 mission
in a Russian Orlan spacesuit
John Phillips in the Raffaello module of the International Space Station
during the Expedition 11 mission

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