Paolo Nespoli

Full Name: Paolo Angelo Nespoli
Birthdate: April 6, 1957 - Milan, Italy
Education: Bachelor of Science in aerospace engineering - New York University Tandon School of Engineering
Master of Science in aerospace engineering - New York University Tandon School of Engineering
Military Service: Major, Esercito Italiano (Italian Army)
Selection: European Space Agency (1998)

STS-120 Soyuz TMA-20 Expedition 26 Expedition 27 Soyuz MS-05 Expedition 52 Expedition 53
Discovery - - - - - -
October 23-November 7, 2007 December 15, 2010-May 24, 2011 November 25, 2010-March 16, 2011 March 16-May 23, 2011 July 28-December 14, 2017 June 2-September 2, 2017 September 2-December 14, 2017

Paolo Nespoli joined the Italian Army in 1977, and served in the 9th Paratroopers Assault Regiment.

Paolo Nespoli during the STS-120 mission Paolo Nespoli during the Expedition 53 mission Paolo Nespoli in the Harmony module of the International Space Station
during the Expedition 53 mission

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