Steven Nagel

Full Name: Steven Ray Nagel
Birthdate: October 27, 1946 - Canton, Illinois
Death: August 21, 2014 - Columbia, Missouri
Education: Bachelor of Science in aeronautical and astronautical engineering - University of Illinois
Master of Science in mechanical engineering - California State University, Fresno
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 8 (1978)

STS-51 G STS-61 A STS-37 STS-55
Discovery Challenger Atlantis Columbia
June 17-24, 1985 October 30-November 6, 1985 April 5-11, 1991 April 26-May 6, 1993

Steven Nagel was married to astronaut Linda Godwin.

Steven Nagel during the STS-51 G mission Steven Nagel during the STS-37 mission Steven Nagel during the STS-37 mission

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