Story Musgrave

Full Name: Franklin Story Musgrave
Birthdate: August 19, 1935 - Boston, Massachusetts
Education: Bachelor of Science in mathematics and statistics - Syracuse University
Master in Business Administration in operations analysis and computer programming - University of California, Los Angeles
Bachelor of Arts in chemistry - Marietta College
Doctor of Medicine - Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Master of Science in physiology and biophysics - University of Kentucky
Master of Arts in literature - University of Houston-Clear Lake
Military Service: United States Marine Corps
Selection: NASA Group 6 (1967)

STS-6 STS-51 F STS-33 STS-44 STS-61 STS-80
Challenger Challenger Discovery Atlantis Endeavour Columbia
April 4-9, 1983 July 29-August 6, 1985 November 22-27, 1989 November 24-December 1, 1991 December 2-13, 1993 November 19-December 7, 1996

Story Musgrave is the only astronaut to have flown on all five space shuttle orbiters.

Story Musgrave conducts an EVA during the STS-61 mission
to repair the Hubble Space Telescope
Story Musgrave and Jeffrey Hoffman conduct an EVA during the
STS-61 mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope
Story Musgrave during the STS-80 mission

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