Lee Morin

Full Name: Lee Miller Emile Morin
Birthdate: September 9, 1952 - Manchester, New Hampshire
Education: Bachelor of Science in mathematical and electrical science - University of New Hampshire
Master of Science in biochemistry - New York University
Doctor of Medicine - New York University School of Medicine
Ph.D. in microbiology - New York University
Master of Public Health - University of Alabama at Birmingham
Master of Science in physics - University of Houston - Clear Lake
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 16 (1996)

April 8-19, 2002

Lee Morin saw active duty service as a Naval flight surgeon during Operatin Desert Shield.

Lee Morin conducts an EVA during the STS-110 mission Lee Morin during the STS-110 mission Lee Morin conducts an EVA during the STS-110 mission

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