David Leestma

Full Name: David Cornell Leestma
Birthdate: May 6, 1949 - Muskegon, Michigan
Education: Bachelor of Science in aeronautical engineering - United States Naval Academy
Master of Science in aeronautical engineering - U.S. Naval Postgraduate School
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 9 (1980)

STS-41 G STS-28 STS-45
Challenger Columbia Atlantis
October 5-13, 1984 August 8-13, 1989 March 24-April 2, 1992

David Leestma joined the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps when he was in the 8th grade..

David Leestma during the STS-41 G David Leestma conducts an EVA during the STS-41 G mission David Leestma during the STS-45 mission

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