Timothy Kopra

Full Name: Timothy Lennart Kopra
Birthdate: April 9, 1963 - Austin, Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science - United States Military Academy
Master of Science in aerospace engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology
Master of Strategic Studies - U.S. Army War College
Master of Business Administration - London Business School, University of London
Master of Business Administration - Columbia Business School, Columbia University
Military Service: Colonel, United States Army
Selection: NASA Group 18 (2000)

STS-127 Expedition 20 STS-128 Soyuz TMA-19M Expedition 46 MExpedition 47
Endeavour - Discovery - - -
July 15-31, 2009 May 29-Otober 11, 2009 August 29-September 12, 2009 December 15, 2015-June 18, 2016 December 11, 2015-March 2, 2016 March 2-June 18, 2016

In September 2006, Timothy Kopra served as an aquanaut during the NEMO 11 mission on the Aquarius underwater laboratory,
living and working underwater for seven days.

Timothy Kopra conducts an EVA during the STS-127 mission Timothy Kopra on the International Space Station Timothy Kopra conducts an EVA during the STS-127 mission

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