Janet Kavandi

Full Name: Janet Lynn Kavandi
Birthdate: July 17, 1959 - Carthage, Maryland
Education: Bachelor of Science in chemistry - Missouri Southern State College
Master of Science in chemistry - Missouri University of Science and Technology
Ph.D. in chemistry - University of Washington
Selection: NASA Group 15 (1994)

STS-91 STS-99 STS-104
Discovery Endeavour Atlantis
June 2-12, 1998 February 11-22, 2000 July 12-25, 2001

At NASA, Janet Kavandi has served as Deputy Chief of the Astronaut Office, and as Director of the Glenn Research Center.

Janet Kavandi during the STS-91 mission Janet Kavandi during the STS-91 mission Janet Kavandi during the STS-99 mission

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