Scott Horowitz

Full Name: Scott Jay Horowitz
Birthdate: March 24, 1957 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Education: Bachelor of Science in engineering - California State University, Northridge
Master of Science in aerospace engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. in aerospace engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 14 (1992)

STS-75 STS-82 STS-101 STS-105
Columbia Discovery Atlantis Discovery
February 22-March 9, 1996 February 11-21, 1997 May 19-29, 2000 August 10-22, 2001

Scott Horowitz has advocated for human exploration of Mars, and is a member of the steering committee for the Mars Society.

Scott Horowitz during the STS-82 mission Scott Horowitz during the STS-82 mission Scott Horowitz during the STS-101 mission

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