David Hilmers

Full Name: David Carl Hilmers
Birthdate: January 28, 1950 - Clinton, Iowa
Education: Bachelor of Arts in mathematics - Cornell College
Master of Science in electrical engineering - U.S. Naval Postgraduate School
Doctor of Medicine - Baylor College of Medicine
Master of Science in Public Health - University of Texas, Houston
Military Service: Colonel, United States Marine Corps
Selection: NASA Group 9 (1980)

STS-51 J STS-26 STS-36 STS-42
Atlantis Discovery Atlantis Discovery
October 3-7, 1985 September 29-October 3, 1988 February 28-March 4, 1990 January 22-30, 1992

After retiring from NASA, David Hilmers provided humanitarian medical care in developing nations, including disaster relief in
Iraq, Peru, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Haiti, and Libera.

David Hilmers during the STS-36 mission David Hilmers during the STS-36 mission

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