Frederick Hauck

Full Name: Frederick Hamilton "Rick" Hauck
Birthdate: April 11, 1941 - Long Beach, California
Education: Bachelor of Science in physics - Tufts University
Master of Science in nuclear engineering - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 8 (1978)

STS-7 STS-51 A STS-26
Challenger Discovery Discovery
June 18-24, 1983 November 8-16, 1984 September 29-October 3, 1988

During the Vietnam War, Rick Hauck flew 114 combat and suppurt missions while assigned to the U.S.S. Coral Sea.

Rick Hauck during the STS-51 A mission Rick Hauck during the STS-26 mission Rick Hauck during the STS-26 mission

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