Henry Hartsfield

Full Name: Henry Warren Hartsfield, Jr.
Birthdate: November 21, 1933 - Birmingham, Alabama
Death: July 17, 2014 - Houston, Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science in physics - Auburn University
Duke University
U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology
Master of Science in engineering science - University of Tennessee
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: U.S. Air Force Manned Orbiting Laboratory Group 2 (1966)
NASA Group 7 (1969)

STS-4 STS-41 D STS-61 A
Columbia Discovery Challenger
June 27-July 4, 1982 August 30-September 5, 1984 October 30-November 6, 1985

After his retirement from NASA in 1998, Hank Hartsfield became the vice president of aerospace engineering services at Raytheon.

Ken Mattingly and Hank Hartfield during training
for the STS-4 mission
Hank Hartsfield during the STS-41 D mission Hank Hartsfield during the STS-41 D mission

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