Ronald Grabe

Full Name: Ronald John Grabe
Birthdate: June 13, 1945 - New York City, New York
Education: Bachelor of Science in engineering science - United States Air Force Academy
Technical University of Darmstadt
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 9 (1980)

STS-51 J STS-30 STS-42 STS-57
Atlantis Atlantis Discovery Endeavour
October 3-7, 1985 May 4-8, 1989 January 22-30, 1992 June 21-July 1, 1993

Duirng the Vietnam War, Ronald Grabe flew over 200 combat missions.

Ronald Grabe during the STS-42 mission Ronald Grabe and Stephen Oswald during the re-entry of Discovery during the STS-42 mission Ronald Grabe in the Spacehab module
during the STS-57 mission

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