Patrick Forrester

Full Name: Patrick Graham Forrester
Birthdate: March 31, 1957 - El Paso, Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science - United States Military Academy
Master of Science - University of Virginia
Military Service: Colonel, United States Army
Selection: NASA Group 16 (1996)

STS-105 STS-117 STS-128
Discovery Atlantis Discovery
August 10-22, 2001 June 8-22, 2007 August 28-September 11, 2009

Patrick Forrester is a Master Army Aviator, having accumulated over 5,500 hours of flying time
in over 50 types of aircraft.

Patrick Forrester conducts and EVA during the STS-105 mission Patrick Forrester during the STS-105 mission Patrick Forrester conducts and EVA during the STS-105 mission

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