Andrew Feustel

Full Name: Andrew Jay Feustel
Birthdate: August 25, 1965 - Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Education: Associates Degree - Oakland Community College
Bachelor of Science in solid Earth sciences - Purdue University
Master of Science in geophysics - Purdue University
Ph.D. in geological sciences - Queen's University
Selection: NASA Group 18 (2000)

STS-125 STS-134 Soyuz MS-08 Expedition 55 Expedition 56
Atlantis Endeavour - - -
May 11-24, 2009 May 16-June 1, 2011 March 21-October 4, 2018 February 27-June 3, 2018 June 3-October 4, 2018

In July 2006, Andrew Feustel was a aquanaut for seven days during the NEEMO 10 mission
aboard the Aquarius underwater laboratory

Andrew Feustel during the STS-125 mission Andrew Feustel returns to the International Space Station
following an EVA during the STS-134 mission
Andrew Feustel conduts an EVA outside of the
International Space Station in 2018

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