John Fabrian

Full Name: John McCreary Fabian
Birthdate: January 28, 1939 - Goose Creek, Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering - Washington State University
Master of Science in aerospace engineering - U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology
Ph.D. in aeronautics and astronautics - University of Washington
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: GNASA Group 8 (1978)

STS-7 STS-51 G
Challenger Discovery
June 18-24, 1983 June 17-24, 1985

Using the Canadian-built robotic arm on the space shuttle, John Fabian became the first person
to deploy and retrieve a free-flying satellite.

John Fabian during the STS-7 mission Astronaut John Fabian John Fabian in a sleep berth during the STS-7 mission

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