Joe Edwards

Full Name: Joe Frank Edwards, Jr.
Birthdate: February 3, 1958 - Richmond, Virginia
Education: Bachelor of Science in aerospace engineering - United States Naval Academy
Master of Science in aviation systems - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Military Service: Commander, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 15 (1994)

January 23-31, 1998

In November 1991, while flying over the Persian Gulf, the radome on the front of Joe Edwards' aircraft seperated, impacting and destroying its canopy.
With a blinded eye, collapsed lung, broken arm, and no communications or flight instruments, Joe Edwards managed to successfully land his F-14 on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Joe Edwards during the STS-89 mission Joe Edwards during the STS-89 mission The crew of the STS-89 mission

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