Nancy Currie-Gregg

Full Name: Nancy Jane Currie-Gregg
Birthdate: December 29, 1958 - Wilmington, Delaware
Education: Bachelor of Arts in biological sciences - Ohio State University
Master of Science in safety engineering - University of Southern California
Ph.D. in industrial engineering - University of Houston
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 13 (1990)

STS-57 STS-70 STS-88 STS-109
Endeavour Discovery Endeavour Columbia
June 21-July 1, 1993 July 13-22, 1995 December 4-16, 1998 March 1-12, 2002

Nancy Currie-Gregg is currently a professor of practice in the
Department of Industrial and Sytems Engineering at Texas A&M University.

Nancy Currie-Gregg during the STS-57 mission Nancy Currie-Gregg during the STS-70 mission nancy Currie-Gregg during the STS-109 mission

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