Franklin Chang-Diaz

Full Name: Franklin Ramon Chang-Diaz
Birthdate: April 5, 1950 - San Jose, Costa Rica
Education: Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering - University of Connecticut
Ph.D. in plasma physics - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Selection: NASA Group 9 (1980)

STS-61 C STS-34 STS-46 STS-60 STS-75 STS-91 STS-111
Columbia Atlantis Atlantis Discovery Columbia Discovery Endeavour
January 12-18, 1986 October 18-23, 1989 July 31-August 8, 1992 February 3-11, 1994 February 22-March 9, 1996 June 2-12, 1998 June 5-19, 2002

In 1986, Franklin Chang-Diaz was one of only twelve recipients of the Medal of Liberty.
The medal was presented by President Ronald Reagan to mark the centennial of the Statue of Liberty.

Franklin Chang-Diaz inside the Spacehab module during the STS-60 mission Franklin Chang-Diaz during the STS-75 misison Franklin Chang-Diaz conducts and EVA during the STS-111 mission

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