Tracy Caldwell-Dyson

Full Name: Tracy Ellen Caldwell-Dyson
Birthdate: August 14, 1969 - Arcadia, California
Education: Bacherlor of Science - California State University, Fullerton
Master of Science - University of California, Davis
Ph.D. - University of California, Davis
Selection: NASA Group 17 (1998)

STS-118 Soyuz TMA-18 Expedition 23 Expedition 24 Soyuz MS-25 Expedition 70 Expedition 71
Endeavour - - - - - -
August 8-21, 2007 April 2-September 25, 2010 March 18-June 2, 2010 June 2-September 25, 2010 March 23-September 24, 2024 September 27, 2023-April 6, 2024 April 6, 2024 - Present

Tracy Caldwell-Dyson is conversational in American Sign Language and Russian.

Tracy Caldwell-Dyson onboard the International Space Station Tracy Caldwell-Dyson prepares for an EVA in the Quest airlock
of the International Space Station
Tracy Caldwell-Dyson during the Expediton 24 mission

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