Robert Cabana

Full Name: Robert Cabana
Birthdate: January 23, 1949 - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Education: Bachelor of Science in mathematics - United States Naval Academy
Military Service: Colonel, United States Marine Corps
Selection: NASA Group 11 (1985)

STS-41 STS-53 STS-65 STS-88
Discovery Discovery Columbia Endeavour
October 6-10, 1990 December 2-9, 1992 July 8-23, 1994 December 4-16, 1998

At the time of his selection as an astronaut, Robert Cabana was the assistant operations officer of
Marine Aircraft Group 12 in Iwakuni, Japan.

Robert Cabana using the ROLLEI camera during the STS-41 mission Robert Cabana during the STS-53 mission Robert Cabana, Jerry Ross, and James Newman during the STS-88 mission

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