Daniel Bursch

Full Name: Daniel Wheeler Bursch
Birthdate: July 25, 1957 - Bristol, Pennsylvania
Education: Bachelor of Science in physics - United States Naval Academy
Master of Science in engineering science - U.S. Naval Postgraduate School
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 13 (1990)

STS-51 STS-68 STS-77 STS-108 Expedition 4 STS-111
Discovery Endeavour Endeavour Endeavour - Endeavour
September 12-22, 1993 September 30-October 11, 1994 May 19-29, 1996 Deember 5-17, 2001 December 7, 2001 - June 15, 2002 June 5-19, 2002

Daniel Bursch currently serves as the Chair of the National Reconnaissance Office at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School.

Daniel Bursch during the STS-68 mission Daniel Bursch conducts an EVA during the Expedition 4 misison Daniel Bursch inside Soyuz TM-33 while docked to the International Space Station

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