Daniel Brandenstein

Full Name: Daniel Brandenstein
Birthdate: January 17, 1943 - Watertown, Wisconsin
Education: Bachelor of Science in mathematics and physics - University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 8 (1978)

STS-8 STS-51 G STS-32 STS-49
Challenger Discovery Columbia Endeavour
August 30-September 5, 1983 January 17-24, 1985 January 9-20, 1990 May 7-16, 1992

Between April 1987 and September 1992, Daniel Brandenstein was the Chief of the Astronaut Office.

Daniel Brandenstein training in the KC-135 aircraft Daniel Brandenstein with a birthday card during the STS-32 mission Daniel Brandenstein at the debut of the space shuttle Endeavour

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