Karol Bobko

Full Name: Karol Joseph "Bo" Bobko
Birthdate: December 23, 1937 - New York City, New York
Death: August 17, 2023 - Half Moon Bay, California
Education: Bachelor of Science - United States Air Force Academy
Master of Science in aerospace engineering - University of Southern California
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: U.S. Air Force MOL Group 2 (1966)
NASA Group 7 (1969)

STS-6 STS-51 D STS-51 J
Challenger Discovery Atlantis
April 4-9, 1983 April 12-19, 1985 October 3-7, 1985

Karol Bobko is the only astronaut to have flown on the maiden flights of two space shuttles
(Challenger and Atlantis).

Paul Weitz and Karol Bobko during training for the STS-6 mission Karol Bobko during the STS-51 D mission Jack Garn and Karol Bobko during the STS-51 D mission

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