Guion Bluford

Full Name: Guion Stewart "Guy" Bluford, Jr.
Birthdate: November 22, 1942 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Education: Bachelor of Science in aerospace engineering - Pennsylvania State University
Master of Science in aerospace engineering - U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology
Master of Business Administration - University of Houston, Clear Lake
Ph.D. in aerospace engineering - U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 8 (1978)

STS-8 STS-61 A STS-39 STS-53
Challenger Challenger Discovery Discovery
August 30-September 6, 1983 October 30-November 6, 1985 April 28-May 6, 1991 December 2-9, 1992

Guion Bluford's hobbies include reading, swimming, jogging, racquetball, handball, scuba diving, and golf.

Ronald McNair, Guion Bluford, and Frederick Gregory
in Apollo-era spacesuits
Guion Bluford during the STS-8 mission Guion Bluford during the STS-53 mission

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