Michael Bloomfield

Full Name: Michael John Bloomfield
Birthdate: March 16, 1959 - Flint, Michigan
Education: Bachelor of Science in engineering mechanics - United States Air Force Acedemy
Master of Science in engeneering management - Old Dominion University
Military Service: Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: NASA Group 15 (1994)

STS-86 STS-97 STS-110
Atlantis Endeavour Atlantis
September 26-October 6, 1997 December 1-11, 2000 April 8-19,2002

Michael Bloomfield played football for the United States Air Force Academy, and was team captain.

Michael Bloomfield and Scott Parazynski during the
STS-86 mission
Michael Bloomfield in the Destiny module of the International Space Station
during the STS-110 mission
Michael Bloomfield during the STS-110 mission

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