Michael Baker

Full Name: Michael Allen Baker
Birthdate: October 27, 1953 - Memphis, Tennessee
Education: Bachelor of science in aerospace engineering - University of Texas, Austin
Military Service: Captain, United States Navy
Selection: NASA Group 11 (1985)

STS-43 STS-52 STS-68 STS-81
Atlantis Columbia Endeavour Atlantis
August 2-11, 1991 October 22-November 1, 1992 September 30-October 10, 1994 January 12-22, 1997

Between March and October 1995, Michael Baker was the Director of Operations for NASA
at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia.

Michael Baker during the STS-68 mission Michael Baker suits up for the launch of the STS-81 mission Astronaut Michael Baker

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