Ellen Baker

Full Name: Ellen Louise Shulman Baker
Birthdate: April 27, 1953 - Fayetteville, North Carolina
Education: Bachelor of Arts in geology - University at Buffalo
Doctorate of Medicine - Cornell University
Masters in Public Health - University of Texas, Houston
Selection: NASA Group 10 (1984)

STS-34 STS-50 STS-71
Atlantis Columbia Atlantis
October 18-23, 1989 June 25-July 9, 1992 June 27-July 7, 1995

Prior to her selection as an astronaut, Ellen Baker was a medical officer at the Johnson Space Center.

Ellen Baker during the STS-34 mission Ellen Baker suiting up for the launch of the STS-71 mission Ellen Baker and Gennadiy Strekalov in the Spacehab module
during the STS-71 mission

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