Jerome Apt

Full Name: Jerome "Jay" Apt III
Birthdate: April 28, 1949 - Springfield, Massachusetts
Education: Bachelor of Arts in physics - Harvard University
Master of Science in physics - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ph.D. in physics - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Selection: NASA Group 11 (1985)

STS-37 STS-47 STS-59 STS-79
Atlantis Endeavour Endeavour Atlantis
April 5-11, 1991 September 12-20, 1992 April 9-20, 1994 September 16-26, 1996

Before becoming an astronaut, Jerome Apt worked on the Pioneer Venus space probe project.

Jerome Apt and Jerry Ross conduct an EVA during
the STS-37 mission
Jerome Apt during the STS-37 mission Jerome Apt conducts an EVA during the STS-37 mission

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