Michael Anderson

Full Name: Michael Phillip Anderson
Birthdate: December 25, 1959 - Plattsburg, New York
Death: February 1, 2003 - Over Texas
Education: Bachelor of Science in physics and astronomy - University of Washington in Seattle
Master of Science in physics - Creighton University
Military Service: Lieutenant Colonel, United States Air Force
Selection: GNASA Group 15 (1994)

STS-89 STS-107
Endeavour Columbia
January 23-31, 1998 January 16-February 1, 2003

Michael Anderson piloted the EC-135 that served as the Strategic Air Command's airborne command post,
known as "Looking Glass," during his active duty service in the U.S. Air Force.

Michael Anderson sets up an ergometer on the
middeck of Endeavour
Michael Anderson in the Spacehab module during the STS-89 mission Michael Anderson during the STS-107 mission

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