Clayton Anderson

Full Name: Clayton Conrad Anderson
Birthdate: February 23, 1959 - Omaha, Nebraska
Education: Bachelor of Science in physics - Hastings College
Master of Science in aerospace engineering - Iowa State University
Selection: NASA Group 17 (1998)

STS-117 Expedition 15 Expedition 16 STS-120 STS-131
Atlantis - - Discovery Discovery
June 8-22, 2007 April 7-October 21, 2007 October 10, 2007-April 19, 2008 October 23-November 7, 2007 April 5-20, 2010

In May 2022, Clayton Anderson became the president and CEO of the Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum in Ashland, Nebraska.

Clayton Anderson in the Destiny module of the
International Space Station
Clayton Anderson conducts an EVA during the STS-131 mission Clayton Anderson's reflection shown in a water bubble in zero gravity

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